Halloween was crazy this year. I litteraly have never seen so many kids in my neighborhood at one time. It was exactly how it is portrayed in the movies. At one point I walked past my house and saw about 30 kids standing on my front porch waiting to get candy.
My neighbor didn't make matters better by creating a haunted house off of the garage. It brought in swarms of people.
Its funny, Alex is not into the holidays, he could care less about halloween! But I tell you, he totally ditched me and the kids so that he could scare kids in my neighbors haunted house.
It was kind of nice though. He screamed so much that he lost his voice for a couple of days.
Here are the goulish girls that walked the neighborhood
My cute little kiddos all dressed up.
We had a Bunny, octopuss, lion, and witch.
Austin is not into costumes. The lion was not what we had originally bought him to wear.
When we went shopping he picked out a skeleton costume, but once we got it home and I tryed it on him he looked down and saw the bones and wanted nothing to do with it. He wanted it off ASAP!
Trying to get him to put on the Lion costume was quite the task. He didnt want to be dressed up.
Once I told him that no one would give him candy unless he was in costume he put it on.
Earlyer in the day the kids carved their pumpkins. It always cracks me up to watch them gut their pumpkins. I love the facial expressions as they try to pull out all the slime.
They really enjoyed themselves this year. They created how they wanted their Jack-O-Lantern to turn out.
We had a Bunny, octopuss, lion, and witch.
When we went shopping he picked out a skeleton costume, but once we got it home and I tryed it on him he looked down and saw the bones and wanted nothing to do with it. He wanted it off ASAP!
Trying to get him to put on the Lion costume was quite the task. He didnt want to be dressed up.
Once I told him that no one would give him candy unless he was in costume he put it on.
They really enjoyed themselves this year. They created how they wanted their Jack-O-Lantern to turn out.
Love the octupus costume! How funny. It gets sad when you can't make your kids be a certain thing for Halloween. That is why Ethan was a Power Ranger two years in a row - he just liked the swords that came with it. Vallyn is starting to get to that stage. So sad!