Oh my goodness. How I love Hailey! I love the fact that she is my free spirited daughter, that nothing really phases her and that things just kind of roll off of her.
Well that was not the case today!!! Here is the conversation we had today.
Me: "Hailey, did you carve an "H" in the table?" ( Our kitchen table)
Hailey: "I don't know."
Me: "Its either a yes or no"
Hailey: " I don't know, I can't remember."
Me: "YES or NO and I want the truth."
Hailey: "Yes, But I didn't do it today."
ME: "Go to your room, you know better than to carve letters in the furniture."
After a few minutes in time out I decided to go up stairs and talk to Hailey about why I was so upset with her. As I was talking to her I could tell that everything I was saying was going in one ear and out the other. I thought I was going to loose it when she started laughing about the fact it took me a couple of days to notice it.
Now me biting my tongue, because all I want to do is yell at this point try to think swiftly of how she will be punished. First I said she will be grounded from friends for the day. I get no reaction. I could tell that had no affect. Next I say no TV for the rest of the day. again, Not the reaction I'm looking for. So my final attempt I told her she was going to wash all the windows down stairs.
I hit the Jack Pot!!! I got the reaction I was looking for. She thought I was torturing her, Crying, screaming, carrying on and on about how mean I was to do this to her. Oh how she hates to clean! I now know what kind of punishment is going to get to her! And I felt so much better knowing she hated every minute of it.