Sunday, May 31, 2009

Olivia's Fathers Day Gift

Olivia cracks me up! I had to post this before I got busy with kids home and forgot.
On the last day of school Olivia came home and dumped her bag pack full of papers and things she had created through out the year out on to the kitchen counter. I was kinda sorting through things that I wanted to keep, when I came across a paper tool belt and in the tool belt were paper tools she had colored. I asked her what it was and she told me she had made it for Daddy and she was going to give it to him for Fathers Day.
As I was looking at the cute little paper tools I started reading what they said.
One of them asked: What is you dads favorite Hobby? Olivia answered Watch TV.
The other one asked: What can I do to help my dad out? Olivia answered Get him the remote!
I started laughing my butt off.
I think Alex needs to do a more activities with the girls besides watch TV.

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