Saturday, September 12, 2009

My little Cheerleader

Here's Hailey all decked out in her Cheer leading outfit! She looks soooo stink'in cute

Here is Hailey at her first game. The girls have been working so hard on their routines.
We didn't know what to expect at the first game. The girls stood at the side line and cheered the flag football team on. Every once in a while they did their little cheers, but Hailey kept looking over at me and would ask why they were just standing there.
Oh well, shes not to impressed at the games.......but darn it she just looks sooooo cute just standing there I could just eat her up.


  1. ADORABLE!! I remember doing cheer at her age. I dropped out after the first game. It was so boring just standing there. She looks so darn cute tho!

  2. That is SO cute!!!! I love her outfit.
