Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Halloween was crazy this year. I litteraly have never seen so many kids in my neighborhood at one time. It was exactly how it is portrayed in the movies. At one point I walked past my house and saw about 30 kids standing on my front porch waiting to get candy.
My neighbor didn't make matters better by creating a haunted house off of the garage. It brought in swarms of people.
Its funny, Alex is not into the holidays, he could care less about halloween! But I tell you, he totally ditched me and the kids so that he could scare kids in my neighbors haunted house.
It was kind of nice though. He screamed so much that he lost his voice for a couple of days.Here are the goulish girls that walked the neighborhood
My cute little kiddos all dressed up.
We had a Bunny, octopuss, lion, and witch.

Austin is not into costumes. The lion was not what we had originally bought him to wear.
When we went shopping he picked out a skeleton costume, but once we got it home and I tryed it on him he looked down and saw the bones and wanted nothing to do with it. He wanted it off ASAP!
Trying to get him to put on the Lion costume was quite the task. He didnt want to be dressed up.
Once I told him that no one would give him candy unless he was in costume he put it on.

Earlyer in the day the kids carved their pumpkins. It always cracks me up to watch them gut their pumpkins. I love the facial expressions as they try to pull out all the slime.
They really enjoyed themselves this year. They created how they wanted their Jack-O-Lantern to turn out.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Hailey's Halloween Birthday Bash

We celebrated Haileys birthday a little early this year. She wanted to do a Halloween birthday bash this year.
The next 2 pictures aren't from her birthday, but from our ward Halloween party. She just looked so cute trying to bob for apples that I just had to add it.
They just happen to be first in line because I forgot when you load pictures you have to load them the opposite order of how you really want them and I am just being lazy and not wanting to change things around!
For Halieys birthday the girls ate lots of pizza, decorated sugar cookies, played Halloween bingo, decorated and colored haunted houses and we had a giant bounce house for them to jump around in.
It was fabulous for me because I was able to keep all the mess outside.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Schnepf Farms

I have to warn you I have fallen terribly behind on our blog that I'm just going to post a bunch of pictures. My brain is so fried these days that I can't seem to remember all of the fun things we have been up to the last couple of weeks.
Here is our family outing to Schnepf Farms.
One night Alex got home from work at a decent hour so we thought it would be fun to surprise the kids by going to the farm. They had so much fun, and had so much to do.
We started off the night going through the pumpkin patch.Ky was a little overwhelmed with all of the choices of pumpkins around him. I think he tried to pick up almost every single pumpkin around him at least one time.
Here are the girls enjoying one of the many rides they went on that night
My cute kiddos
Here they are doing the pumpkin launch

Here's Hailey riding the bicycle obstacle coarse