Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Olivia with straight hair

Here's a picture of Olivia with straight hair. It doesn't happen often because it takes so long to do. I needed to give her a hair cut and decided to straighten it out so that I could give her an even cut. Its hard to do when you have to go through a bunch of curls.
It took me an hour and an half to round brush and cut it.
Here's a picture of her after I had straightened it, but had not cut it yet.
I am so jealous of all of her natural body, no back combing, or products to get all this volume.
Here's a picture of her after I had cut it. I kept looking at her all day long thinking she looks so much older. My 6 year old could pass for a 10 year old. Crazy.
I had to take a picture of the back. This kiddo has so much hair and it also showed all of the beautiful natural highlights. Gorgeous!


  1. I could use some of that body. I guess I am a pretty easy client to cut compared to her!:)

  2. Oh my heck! She is gorgeous! All of your kids are gorgeous! Are those natural highlights? If so, that is SO NOT FAIR!!!

  3. I'm impressed you could get it straight. It looks really cute!

  4. HOLY CRAP! she looks so beautiful.....and old!

  5. She looks so cute! You're right though, she looks really old.
