Monday, April 20, 2009

BLAH!!!! ITS HOT!!!!

Oh my gosh its hot and its only April. My girls came home from school today and were dying of the heat so I sent them outside with some friends to have a water fight to cool off. They had a blast and cooled down enough because I refuse to turn on the air conditioning.
I just saw the weather and we have our first 100 degree day tomorrow. UGH! I miss our pool. I didn't realize how bad our tree was leaning until I saw this picture.
Poor Ozzy, he wanted to join the water fight. But he got sprayed once and he was done.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oh my heck! Krista! Your children are BEAUTIFUL! I love reading about them and hearing all of Jen's stories about them! THey are darling!! Hope everything is going well!

  3. Looks like fun! Our weather is just barely getting warm. I can't wait for summer. BTW-I will probably be in Arizona around May 18. Plan on a house guest for the weekend!!!
