Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Relay Night

As most of you all know my wonderful friend Rashelle was diagnosed with Non Hodgkin's Lymphoma back in November 2008 and has been in a fight for her life since then. After having surgery to have a mass removed around her heart and lungs she went right into six rounds of Chemotherapy and now Radiation treatments to come.
Our fabulous friend Marie put together our Relay team to raise money for Cancer research in Rashelles honor.
Here are a few pictures of Fridays Relay festivities.
To kick off the night they started with a survivor lap. All survivors of this horrible disease made the first lap and then their loved ones met them half way.
Alex was able to walk along side with Rashelle because he too is a cancer survivor.
I love this picture of Rashelle! Even though she had a fever and wasn't feeling good she can still be a goof ball.
Some of the goof balls I had the pleasure of spending the night with!
Here was our group! We were the highest fundraising team. One of the things we did to raise money was sell the shirts we were all wearing. They were designed by Rashelle.
It was a fun evening that included an Elvis impersonator, live band, Hypnotist, lots of music, dancing, eating, playing games laughing and spending time with friends. the relay ran from Friday 6pm to Saturday 6am. I didn't stay the whole night, I took off at about 1:30 am. About 10 of the girls stuck it through the entire night.
We can still make donations up until August so if anyone is interested in making a donation to the American Cancer Society in Rashelles Honor leave me a your e-mail address in the comment area and I will get in touch with you regarding this.
I hope this post made sense. Its really late and I'm super tired so sorry!


  1. Krista,
    Thanks for coming out and doing this with me. I am so glad we were able to do this. Alex you rock for wearing the purple shirt and walking with Rashelle! You guys are great friends.

  2. That's really neat that you guys did that.
