Friday, July 3, 2009

Power Washer Dangers

EEEEWWWWW......... We have been invaded by gross, disgusting, creepy, eight legged black widows this year. We have never had a problem with them in the past, but have been over run with them this year. So in our attempt to eliminate as many of these creepy crawlers as possible we cleaned off our back patio and cleared up as much as we could in our half finished back yard.

Now here's where I get to the power washer danger part...... All the kids were in the back yard playing around as Alex and I cleaned, I was in charge of power washing and was excited with my new task, I had never used one before and was oblivious to the fact that water could actually be dangerous. As I was washing Austin caught my attention, I Put the hose thingy down to my side with the water still running and immediately felt a sharp pain on my toe, I looked down and saw nothing but blood. For a split second I thought the water blasted my little piggy off. After confirming my toe was still attached, I washed it off and doctored my big gash, it then swelled up and has been aching the last couple of days. I think the power washer broke my toe. Who knew.

I thought I would spare everyone a picture of my grimy toes. But I promise its ugly.


  1. I'm so sorry about your toe. What a bummer, I doubt it's ugly though, nothing could be ugly on you. I have some bug killer designed for black widows and scorpions if you want to borrow it your welcome to it. I bought it from Adam Seever. He said if I'm watering my lawn longer than usual it'll attract more spiders because spiders eat bugs and bugs go to where the water is. So I kissed my green lawn good bye, I only water a little now, and it's done the trick.

  2. YOU JINX ME! THERE WAS A BLACK WIDOW ON MY COUCH TODAY! I've never seen one in my house. Now I'm going to try not to kill my family while I fumigate the heck out of my house. If you don't see me in the next week, call 911, I'll of used to much spray.

  3. Ouch!! I can't believe that. I did realize that the spray comes out that hard. That is good to know. Luckily one of your kids didn't try to play in the water.

    I have never seen a black widow before (I'm knocking on wood as I type!) I hope that you haven't jinxed me too.

  4. I meant to say I DIDN'T realize that the spray comes out that hard.

  5. hey its me stocking you again...hahahaha! So sad about your toe...those things are so dangerous(I have done that to my toes... ouch,does it hurt!) The first time I used a power washer, it was to wash nates brand new truck(didn't have a CLUE what I was doing and nate was at work but i had called him to see how to turn it on). Of course, nate was paranoid about me using it and didn't really want me to wash his truck(which i really didn't understand why when i was doing such a nice thing for him and he really didn't explain why not). I ended up washing his truck anyways and thought he would be proud of me.....nothing bad happened to the truck but I got the full explanation later that there are different attachments to the power washer and if i would have used the wrong attachment I would have totally ruined his truck, messed up the paint job and torn things up. Well alls I can say that someone was watching over nates truck that day!
